PAIGE 2018

Follow the best female big wave surfer on the planet, Paige Alms on her journey in Hawaii to surf the biggest waves in the world while being a great inspiration to the next generation.

It was a great time on Maui, Hawaii filming Paige Alms in her every day life trying to get fit and ready for the biggest waves on the planet.
Paige is not only the best big wave surfer in the world, but more important a great human being who is trying to inspire others and making the planet better by eating good food, cleaning the ocean from plastic and living a simple but luxury life style with the best big wave surfing around the corner, JAWS.

PAIGE is now playing in festivals worldwide until the spring of 2019. To follow where it is screening, please check out Bjarne Salen’s / Endlessflow Films social media for updates.